Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Google Maps for BlackBerry

Google Maps for BlackBerry

Did you know that the interface of Google Maps for Blackberry which can be downloaded to your phone? Of course I know that many people have all the GPS settings, and would be redundant for them. But for some people, like me, just a light application to provide guidance. You do not need the features of shifts, with a sensual voice in the process, or any other bells and whistles that come with full-blown GPS system.

If that is what is on the market, and you are someone who is smart enough to have a Blackberry, then I suggest the Google Maps application for BlackBerry. Browsing can be easily downloaded by the browser of your Blackberry - just as using the Google Maps site for your full web browser on your computer. When they arrived in the browser of your Blackberry, you will be given the option to download the application on your phone.

Just click what you want, and start the process. It is a free application to install, so no help is needed by the user on that. When the application starts for the first time the option is given as to whether you want to use GPS tracking of your phone to your output will always be taken by you without you having to entry. Now, the Google Maps application is free to use, but if the GPS functionality is included in the plan or not is something you should discuss with your own carrier.

When that application is installed, you can use the functions that are virtually identical to its browser-Twin, the regular Google Maps for Blackberry

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